Alumni weekend at Walnut Hill School

To all of our readers (just kidding, we know only Will is going to read this):

This weekend is alumni weekend at our school and Mary is going to be presenting our project to the almuni and current students and teachers. It's from 11-12 a.m. on Saturday, June 5th. Unfortunately, due to a prior engagement, Julia cannot be with Mary to give her moral and educational support, but she will do amazing nonetheless.
This is our first presentation of our topic, and hopefully it will go over well! We only have a couple more days to finish up our project and then it's off to summer and no more physics :(
Bye for now!

Deadlines, deadlines!

Hello everyone!

So the deadline for our final paper along with the rough draft is tomorrow, June 4th at 2:30 p.m. But Mary, being the over-achiever that she is, turned it in today in class so it looks like we are good to go!
In addition, the website (this blog) is due June 9th along the posterboard presentation of our project. The end is near, everyone! Wish us luck!

Update on the magnetic levitation experiment

So we tried to levitate a magnet in class the other day but... we failed. Most articles on the internet say that the experiment requires liquid nitrogen and since we only had access to dry ice, the experiment didn't work. Not only was it not cold enough, but it was not in liquid form so we had no way to pour it over the superconductor like it shows in the video. Currently we are working on making a train move along tracks using strip magnets. We are doing that tomorrow in class, so we'll let you know how it goes!